
Tuesday, August 29, 2006

R.A.Y.N.E.L.D the robot

Guess what i found... hehe.

width="240" height="180"
alt="Robotic Android Yearning for Nocturnal Exploration and Logical Destruction"

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

I see monkeys jumping... (to the tune of, i see dead people)

More than half of my month of August have just swift passed by. At the moment i'm trying to recalled some thoughts and feelings of these passed days. I remembered being extremely tired during the first week. I dreaded the time when i forced myself awake at 5.15 in the morning. Very much hated the time i spent waiting, especially in the car. Be at my very best behaviour by being supportive, always smiling while gesturing help whereas deep in my soul i was insecure and terrified. All done in the name of commitment for the one i whom cherished. :p

I gave thanks for the retreat we had. If there's one thing i have remembered from the retreat, it's has to be the moment of silence i had with God. It was something that i really badly needed to have. During one of our meditation and quieting down, Ohtawa read a portion from the Henry Nouwen's book (Here and now) that caught my heart. It was a portion that described how sometimes we are distracted by jumping monkeys on a banana tree (figure of speech) as we start to quieten ourselves down to meditate or to pray. I giggled at first, then i ponder at how true the profound statement was. I do feel the presence of these jumping monkeys. Been trying to identify these different monkeys ever since.... hehe.

I have make it a point to set a time apart for me to be silent and to reflect. I'm convince that it would be good for me. It would be a concerntrated effort to create time and space made available for God.

Friday, August 04, 2006

To Paul, a letter from my heart.

Did a reflection on Philippians chapter one.
Decided to write a letter to Paul...


Dearest Paul,

Greetings in the Name of our Father Art in heaven and our Lord Jesus Christ. How are you? All of us are worried and terrified when we heard of your arrest. Did they hurt you? Do have enough to eat? I pray and hope that you would not have to be forced to endure any of this bitter ordeal, that you would be spared from being their captive. We are touched and deeply moved by your praying spirit. Personally, I felt the same way for your passion for God. Even in the midst of hardship, you took time to encourage and even pray for us. For that, we are truly grateful.

I must admit, I’m startled and threatened by what have be fold upon you. There were times when I should have been courageous, but I chose not to. There were times when I could have shared Christ but yet again I have chose not to. I’m ashamed of myself for choosing to stay in my comfortable and safe zone when I knew I shouldn’t.

Your courage has inspired me. Your small and humble written words in your letter was enough to leave a big slap bruises on my cheeks. Don’t get me wrong, your letter was neither condemning nor judging. Reading your words translated to a faith in action was unbearable. It leaves me to ponder of myself and my shameful deeds. I almost felt like I was beaten up and left to reflect upon my life. Surely, reflect was what I did.

Nevertheless, it’s always encouraging seeing someone like you, standing up and pressing forward for the glory of God. Thank you for your letter. It has changed most of my standings with regards to Faith. It has spurred me to change, to be a better man. Before I end, I must say that you have a heart that beats after God’s heart.

Your humbled Brother in Christ,

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

I need to go to the....

Sorry, i have totally forgotten that i was suppose to post this yesterday.

For those of you who may not understand, please read the previous post before reading this one ya.

Anyway, here's what happened.


Tick Tock Tick Tock...... 4.30pm

" keebushhhhhh....." Momentarily after i have executed my plan, a common flushing sound was aired. I didn't bother to stay behind. I ran because i knew i would be late.... for my movie...


Haha... well, how's that for a dramatic story. I hope you were entertained. i had so much fun typing this story. hehe...

Here's my 7FFQ

That's me, Ray.

Star Cineplex Kuching and the ugly unmaintained dirty toilet.

A boring evening after work not to long ago.

I planned to watch M.Night Shyamalan, Lady in the water when suddenly i had stomach ache.

I drove to star cineplex after i had a late lunch somewhere office.

I was hungry and desperately needed to watch a movie.

Never have "milo ais" and "Curry mee" before any movie. It's a lethal combination. :p

I was warming up my observation and interpretation skills. Will be having my first bible study for this semester with the Politeknik students this friday. Philippians will be our book study this semester.