
Friday, July 21, 2006

What's your verdict?

Sometimes i feel that my life is quite boring. Perhaps it's because of the choices i made. Safe, no risk taking and predictable. These choices that i have chose, are influence by who i am. It boils down to our personality and character. Therefore, my life is boring because i'm a boring person. In other words, my life is boring because i chose to be boring.

Our choices makes who we are. Agree?

Here's some caption of my life (this week and next) and my verdict.

12th July 2006
Had a staff meeting at 8pm. After staff meeting i drove to Kota Samarahan with Kim Cheng to visit a student in UiTM. After some chat Kim Cheng and i went for a late supper in Siang Siang Central Park. Suprised to meet one of my Politeknik student working as a waiter (Politeknik on holiday). She regularly attend the bible study group.

My verdict: 4 out 5 because of the pleasent suprised we gave to the student in UiTM and i had when i met a poli student.

14th July 2006
A good friend called and proposed to watch Pirates. I said yes. Told my brother, he said yes. I invited the Inti students, they said yes. Asked Joshua (J.O.S), he said yes. When asked was the movie good, i said yes. Before going to sleep i wondered if it was a good day, the answer was certainly yes.

My verdict: 5 out of 5. A good time with my friends and students. Plus an excellent movie.

17th July 2006
Went to ICATS cf. A lot of new students came. We also had visitors from Korea. They came to give testimony and perform a mime which was good for the students. It got them to think. The Koreans even sang a BM song. Managed to talk and have fellowship with them.

My verdict: 4 out of 5. It was meaningful to see the students being encouraged by the Koreans.

18th July 2006 (7.30pm)
For the first time, i attended a prayer meeting in Inti. The first time i drove and park in the inti compund (the guard even open the gate for me when i left). Had a good time with the students from Y.C.S (Young Catholic Students) as well. Felt closer with the students from Inti.

My verdict: 5 out of 5 simply because it was a rare oppurtunity for me to be closer with the students.

22th July 2006.
This is tomorrow. The intians have planned an outing to Fairy Cave, bau tomorrow. I have never been there eventhough i was brought up in kuching. The last time i went caving it was in 2004 in Gua tempurung with the UPSI students. It brings a lot of memories. (now i missed the UPSI students ;p) I'm excited. Can't wait for tomorrow.

Hopefully my verdict: 5 out of 5.

6th August 2006
Will be attending a convocation in Unimas. This would be a little tricky. For those for knows, they will understand why. Wish me luck. hehe

Hopefully my verdict: 5 out of 5. Would need to give a good impression. (might even need to lose a bit of weight)

8th August 2006 (for a week)
I'll fly to KL for this. It's my first ever staff retreat as a whole movement team with fes. Had one in April with Peter, Thomas and Annette at matang wildlife. I have been looking forward for this.

Hopefully my verdict: 5 out of 5. Looking forward for a refreshing and meaningful time.

Well, that's my boring life. Not bad huh?
No matter what choice we made, if we do it whole-heartedly, we will feel satisfied. Then perhaps boring would not be boring after all. What's your verdict?


  • u call ur life boring?!?

    fulfilling loh, i would say...

    -kepoh chee yang menganggur-

    By Blogger akmj, At 3:48 am  

  • Hehe.. maybe yes. Just at time, i feel i'm boring. ;P peace.

    By Blogger Ray, At 12:15 pm  

  • u're boring? ha ha ha... :)

    yalah, that happens to everyone i think

    -peng + anggur = grape-picker with nothing much to do but kaypoh at other ppl's blog :) -

    By Blogger akmj, At 4:27 am  

  • Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 6:04 am  

  • I really enjoyed looking at your site, I found it very helpful indeed, keep up the good work.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 9:35 am  

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