Not so super.... (oh)man.

Hollywood is hoping that Superman returns would be a blockbuster. The trailler was very impressive. The glimpse and portion of the movie shown in the trailler was enough to stir excitement and anticipation. Everyone was talking about it (i'm not implying only children). Have to admit it, i was looking forward to see the men in blue and red cape back at the silver screen.
If you think i'm trying to be critical, i'm not. My title above is my conclusion of how superman was potrayed in the movie. Therefore if you have not seen the movie, i suggest that you watch it first (one of my best friend is in the entertainment business, don't want him to lose his market ;p). Then come back and read some of my thoughts of the movie.
Firstly, time line is important. If you get this mix up, chances are you will be lost during the movie. The movie takes place 5 years after superman left earth. What actually happenned before he left? That is up to us to pick up the crumbs that leads to the answers as the movie progresses. The flow of the plot was superb, keeping the audience only on the surface as slowly the curtain unviel the answers. However, while patiently waiting with anticipation, you will only discover that the long awaited answers were "not so super" after all. This was what i have discovered:
1. Superman has a son. (Which lead to discovery no 2.)
2. Superman is an irrespondsible and immoral Superhero.
3. Lex Luthor has lost his sense of wisdom after five years.
4. Lois Lane is blinded by the image of Superman (she see's only superman).
Ok, i lied. I'm being critical in the paragraph above. It just saddened me to discover the world's perspective of Superman is just mere outwards (his strength and probably his looks). Beyond that, his moral values are not take to judgement. Could a good person fight bad people but did bad things? (you know what i mean). A friend of mine suggested that Hollywood is trying to portray a new superman, a superhero who is also human. Perhaps it's true. Well, now we know Superman's weakness is not only kryptonite.
However, there were moments of the movie which i found was classic and refreshing.
1. Superman levitate slowly up to the sky with Lois Lane standing on his feet.
2. The beam from his eyes was not red in colour but heat waves.
3. His x-ray vision could see the heart, other organs and bones.
4. The scene where a bullet dented as it hit's superman's left eye, remarkable.
5. Emergency room: Superman was being treated but to no avail.
Besides moral issues and the studipity of Lex Luthor (who swindle an old lady to marry him for property inherithance, extremely desperate measures), i enjoyed the movie. Maybe i'm a bit harsh, but a superhero should also be good at heart and doings.
Do make comments to some my thoughts. Some of you may disagree with me.
I agree. Batman Lives, Batman Rulez hehe....
Anonymous, At
11:10 am
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